I have dedicated my pen, thoughts and words for the Freedom of Niger Delta from this day
I will think, read and write for you my Beloved Nation Izon-Ibe
Till my Life pass away
In our Freedom I am controversial and wish to die for our sway someday
For our growth and development that Nigeria has kept gray
For our growth and development that Nigeria has kept gray
In this I can be a better Hero to my Area
Than be a President of Nation where I do not belong like Nigeria
The Pains of our ancestors empties my heart & throes in columniations
For where we were forcefully & ignorantly belonged by our older generations
And the precedented pains for our future generations
Has deserted my my body & now my body is scavenged
My soul is furious & my spirit is roaring in anger that my stings can be avenged
I am starved and forbidden of anything good
All I desire to eat is my Freedom-Mood
But for our Freedom I'll barter my Blood
That we can activate the destiny of our hood
My independence is where I want to live and die in
Even just for my last minute on earth
If that is the quake I get from earth
As this is the legacy I'll leave for my successors as wealth
Then my Ghost can depart with Joy beyond health
(This is my Oath, Izon Tamarau)
As we have refrained from being monkeys to the Northern & Western baboons
We'll work and eat for and from our Nation Niger Delta
Our generations would live being free from the oppressors of their fathers
We'll taste our bananas that we have never tasted a centimetre
And we'll drink the liqueur we have never tasted a litre
Even as our Fathers have worked hectares
We will drink the waters of our rivers
As the Lord answers our Prayers
We'll rejoice in our Mangroves
And they will surfer the outgrowth of our avengers over centuries
That our growth will surpass theirs here & there even in bureaus
Then we can sing, merry, live, die & be buried in our Freedom like no more Jews
»I Love Niger Delta like I Love the Creator
»So I am the Reason He Created the Author
Soon Live Federal Republic of Niger Delta!!!
Soon Live Deltaland Republic!!!
Soon Live Deltaland Republic!!!
Soon Live Ijaw Nation!!!
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