
Friday, 8 April 2016

See How Diabetes Kills Silently!

If you have diabetes, what I’m about to share with you in this post could prevent you from having a premature heart attack,
save your eyesight, kidneys, legs, and nerves—even save your life. Click here =>

Diabetes has a devastating effect on virtually
every system in the body. This is what sets the
stage for a variety of diabetic complications.
But, as I will explain, this devastation is largely
preventable. Click here=>

Diabetes is a nutritional wasting disease. The
elevated blood sugar levels that characterize
diabetes cause excessive urination. In fact,
diabetes mellitus is taken from two Greek
words meaning “to pass through” and “Sugar"
referring to excessive glucose-laden urination.

The Kidney Is Negatively Affected
High blood sugar levels, which are caused by
either lack of insulin or insulin resistance (type
1 or type 2 diabetes, respectively), overwhelm
the kidneys’ capacity to reabsorb glucose as
well as all water-soluble nutrients. Elevated blood
sugar levels essentially act like an osmotic diuretic,
washing out virtually everything.

Every time blood sugar rises and urination
increases, patients with diabetes lose water,
magnesium, zinc, B12, B6, folic acid, and many
other nutrients. Although water is replaced by
drinking, nothing is done to replenish the water-
soluble nutrients that are also swept out.

Other Vital Organs Negatively Affected By
Diabetes Are the Sexual Organs, Heart,
Eyes[Retinopathy] Liver[ Nephropathy],
Joints and Nerve Endings of Vital Organs [Neuropathy ]
click here=>

If you or anyone you know has been experiencing
any of the above signs and you want to reverse it completely?

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